Showing: 21 - 26 of 26 RESULTS

Fearless like a tiger

The congress experience has so much fun to offer but especially for first-time visitors it may also seem a little stressful or even frightening. So many people in one place! Where do I go? What to do? We can all find some inspiration in little …

EC: First Round Preview

This year’s European Championship is about to begin! It’s time once again to crown a Champion, and while other events in the EGF calendar might claim heftier prizes, there is no doubt that no European title is more highly sought-after than this one. The total …

“Events” are online!

Today we have published a separate page with the event schedule for the EGC 2023 in Markkleebert/Leizig. It offers a good overview of the various main and side tournaments as well as the various variant tournaments and special events, divided by days and category. Later, …

EGC 2023 in Germany – who wants to support?

Dear Go friends, as you might have heard already, I would like to organise the upcoming 65th European Go Congress (22.07. – 05.08.2023). I have also found a possible venue in Leipzig/Markkleeberg. The Rudolf Hildebrand School is located directly on Lake Cospuden (we call it …